Using Redis as Sitecore custom cache

In this post I’ll share how to use Azure Redis Cache as Sitecore custom cache provider.

Azure Cache for Redis is a fully managed, distributed, in-memory cache that enables high-performance and scalable architectures. You can use it to create cloud or hybrid deployments that handle millions of requests per second at sub-millisecond latency, all with the configuration, security and availability benefits of a managed service. More info here.

The first step is to create the Redis cache in Azure, for this we log in to the Azure Portal and then add a new resource, search for “Azure Cache for Redis” and choose a plan, for this demo I selected a “Basic C1” plan, we can scale it later if needed.

Azure Redis Cache is now deployed and ready to connect to.

The next step is to get the connection string data and add a new entry “redis.sessions” into the connectionstrings.config file:

Now our app is connected to the Redis cache. Let’s now have a look at a custom cache implementation.

We start by creating a cache provider:

[Service(typeof(IRedisCacheProvider), Lifetime = Lifetime.Singleton)]
public class RedisCacheProvider : IRedisCacheProvider
    private static readonly Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> LazyConnection = new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() =>
        var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["redis.sessions"].ConnectionString;
        var options = ConfigurationOptions.Parse(connectionString);

        options.AllowAdmin = true;
        options.SyncTimeout = 60000;
        options.ConnectRetry = 5;

        return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options);

    public static ConnectionMultiplexer Connection => LazyConnection.Value;

    private readonly IDatabase _redisCache;

    public RedisCacheProvider()
        _redisCache = Connection.GetDatabase();

    public IDatabase GetRedisCache()
        return _redisCache;

    public IServer GetServer()
        return Connection.GetServer(Connection.GetEndPoints().FirstOrDefault());

Now we need to a create a cache manager, that class will contain all the methods to call the cache and to communicate with Redis:

[Service(typeof(ICacheManager), Lifetime = Lifetime.Singleton)]
public class CacheManager : ICacheManager
    private readonly IDatabase _redisCache;
    private readonly IServer _redisServer;

    public CacheManager(IRedisCacheProvider redisCacheProvider)
        _redisCache = redisCacheProvider.GetRedisCache();
        _redisServer = redisCacheProvider.GetServer();

    private static readonly Dictionary<string, object> CacheKeyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    public object Get(string key)
        return Get(key, string.Empty);

    public object Get(string key, string site)
        var siteName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(site) ? Context.Site?.Name : site;
        var cacheKey = $"{siteName}{Context.Database?.Name}{Context.Language}{key}";
        var res = _redisCache.StringGet(cacheKey);

        return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res) ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(res) : res;

    public void Set(string key, object value)
        Set(key, value, string.Empty);

    public void Set(string key, object value, string site)
        var siteName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(site) ? Context.Site?.Name : site;
        var cacheKey = $"{siteName}{Context.Database?.Name}{Context.Language}{key}";

        _redisCache.StringSet(cacheKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value));

    public IList<string> GetAllKeys()
        return _redisServer.Keys().Select(k => k.ToString()).ToList();

    public void Remove(string key)

    public void ClearCache(object sender, EventArgs args)
        Log.Info($"RedisCache Cache Clearer.", this);


        Log.Info("RedisCache Cache Clearer done.", (object)this);

    public TObj GetCachedObject<TObj>(string cacheKey, Func<TObj> creator) where TObj : class
        return GetCachedObject(cacheKey, creator, string.Empty);

    public TObj GetCachedObject<TObj>(string cacheKey, Func<TObj> creator, string site) where TObj : class
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(site))
            site = Context.Site.Name;

        var obj = Get(cacheKey, site) as TObj;

        if (obj == null)
            // get the lock object
            var lockObject = GetCacheLockObject(cacheKey, site);

                lock (lockObject)
                    obj = creator.Invoke();

                    Set(cacheKey, obj);
                RemoveCacheLockObject(cacheKey, site);

        return obj;

    private object GetCacheLockObject(string cacheKey, string site)
        cacheKey += site;

        lock (CacheKeyDictionary)
            if (!CacheKeyDictionary.ContainsKey(cacheKey))
                CacheKeyDictionary.Add(cacheKey, new object());

            return CacheKeyDictionary[cacheKey];

    private void RemoveCacheLockObject(string cacheKey, string site)
        cacheKey += site;

        lock (CacheKeyDictionary)
            if (CacheKeyDictionary.ContainsKey(cacheKey))

It’s important to keep in mind that this is a distributed cache, meaning that all Sitecore instances connected to the same cache are sharing it, for example, if we’ve a setup with one CM instance and two CDs, all of those will be sharing the same cache, while in memory cache is specific to the instance. That’s why I’m adding the site name, database and language to the cache key.

Almost done, but now we have to think about one of the most important things when working with caches, when and how to invalidate those.

We can just call the ClearCache() on the publish:end and publish:end:remote events, but I wanted to make it a bit flexible, as the cache is shared across instances is better to keep control on that rather than just flushing everything on each publish action.

I decided to go with a custom event handler approach. Check the config patch, I’m introducing the customCache:rebuild and customCache:rebuild:remote events:

<!--For more information on using transformations see the web.config examples at -->
<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:set="" xmlns:xdt="">
        <processor type="Foundation.RedisCache.Pipelines.Initialize, Foundation.RedisCache" method="InitializeFromPipeline" />
      <command name="rediscache:cleancache" type="Foundation.RedisCache.Commands.CleanCacheCommand, Foundation.RedisCache" />
    <events xdt:Transform="Insert">
      <event name="customCache:rebuild">
        <handler type="Foundation.RedisCache.Events.EventHandlers.CacheRebuildEventHandler, Foundation.RedisCache" method="OnCustomCacheRebuild" />
      <event name="customCache:rebuild:remote">
        <handler type="Foundation.RedisCache.Events.EventHandlers.CacheRebuildEventHandler, Foundation.RedisCache" method="OnCustomCacheRebuild" />

The initialize pipeline:

public class Initialize
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes event subscription
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">Args</param>
    public virtual void InitializeFromPipeline(PipelineArgs args)
        var action = new Action<CacheRebuildEvent>(RaiseRemoteEvent);


    /// <summary>
    /// Raises remote event
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cacheRebuildEvent"></param>
    private void RaiseRemoteEvent(CacheRebuildEvent cacheRebuildEvent)
        var eventArgs = new object[] { new CacheRebuildEventArgs(cacheRebuildEvent) };

        Sitecore.Events.Event.RaiseEvent(Constants.CustomCacheRebuildEventNameRemote, eventArgs);

I’ve also decided to create a simple command that we can just call from the Sitecore ribbon in order to flush this cache manually, this can help in case something get wrong and to avoid the need of manually flushing the redis cache from Azure.

public class CleanCacheCommand : Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command
    public override void Execute(Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.CommandContext context)
        var raiser = new CacheRebuildEventRaiser();
        var ev = new CacheRebuildEvent { CacheKey = Constants.ClearAll };


        SheerResponse.Alert("Redis Cache flushed");

That’s very much it! Let’s see this in action now!

So, to make use of this caching foundation, we just need to inject the ICacheManager and use the GetCachedObject method:

var cacheKey = $"RedisCacheTest-{path}";

            return _cacheManager.GetCachedObject(cacheKey, () =>
                var slowMe = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

                while (DateTime.Now < slowMe)
                    //This is just an expensive operation...

                return "/some/url";

Please note that at the end the cache key will be generated by: {Site Name}{Database Name}{Language Name}{RedisCacheTest}-{path}.

Let’s check now the Redis Cache Console in Azure, we can run the command SCAN 0 COUNT 1000 MATCH * to get all keys from the cache:

As you can see the “RedisCacheTest” is there!

Let me take the opportunity to introduce the Redis Cache Visual Code extension, find the details here.

The extension provided a quick and easy way to browse the Redis cache contents,

I hope you find this interesting!

You can find the full code in Github.